7 - Nature
8m 22s
There are things we can learn about God simply through getting outside and appreciating the work of His hands. Romans 1:20 says that the Lord’s invisible attributes are seen most clearly through nature. Staying indoors actually limits our access to yet another side of God’s glory for the beauty of the earth displays God’s magnificence. In this episode, we discuss how we can see God through nature, as we read in Psalm 19:1—...The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (NIV)
Up Next in Reset
8 - Celebration
Christianity and seriousness can sometimes seem to go together. How often have you met a brilliant Christian, only to find them to be curmudgeonly and bland? As followers of Jesus, we are called into excitement and joy—both byproducts of living lives in orbit with our spiritual callings. Celebrat...
9 - Worship
Breaking down the word, “worship,” brings us to Worth - Ship—telling the Lord that he is worthy. When we worship with the hope that God would be lifted up, two things happen: 1) He receives the honor He deserves, and 2) It decentralizes the focus from our lives to His.
10 - Sabbath
For a lot of people, keeping the Sabbath day holy feels like the most optional of the Ten Commandments. But when you consider that God Himself chose to rest after creating the world, our perspective on its importance should shift! Sabbath thinking isn’t about what we’re doing, but how we remember...