The Book of James

The Book of James

Join returning teacher Shannon Scott as she walks through her personal favorite book of the Bible: the book of James.

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The Book of James
  • 1 - Intro

    The life of a Christ-follower should look different. In his self-named book, James outlines how we should be living out our beliefs in how we serve, speak, lead, and love. Our faith is an active thing. How are you living?

  • 2 - James 1:1-18

    What is your response to the difficulties of life? For a lot of us, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of disappointment or discouragement. However, in James, we are reminded that the testing of our faith results in our continued refinement. Through everything in life, we are to be made more like Je...

  • 3 - James 1:19-27

    How would your relationships change if you listened more than you spoke? It’s so easy to speak without thinking, and often this causes conflict and misunderstandings to divide us. James also encourages us to consider how we’re filling ourselves. We are meant to be doers of the Word, and this star...

  • 4 - James 2

    God takes it very seriously when we do not extend mercy to one another. Think of all that you have been freed from in Christ! Are you considering others with the same level of grace? In this upside-down Kingdom, God’s heart is that we care deeply for the people around us—especially the marginaliz...

  • 5 - James 3

    Small things can cause great results. When we speak, we wield the power to build people up or completely tear them down. James reminds us of this power when we speak to the people around us. Choose sincerity over criticism. With the Spirit of God within us, we can learn to better control our tong...

  • 6 - James 4:1-12

    Living a Christian life does not mean that everything will be happy and easy. In fact, it’s often the opposite. We are called to reject many of the things of this world, emptying ourselves so we may be filled with the Spirit of God and the truth of His Word.

  • 7 - James 4:13-17

    Our time on this earth is limited. Thankfully, in Christ, we have the assurance of eternal life to come—one that is filled with His Presence and beyond anything we could imagine. But the idea of a time limit begs the question: how will we choose to spend our earthly days?

  • 8 - James 5

    The truest test of our steadfastness in Christ is whether or not we live according to His Word. Are we stewarding the gifts that we have been given? Are we taking our time on this earth seriously and doing Kingdom work? James encourages us to live out our walk, to be transformed, and to love well.

  • Book of James Listening Guide.pdf

    330 KB

    Follow along in this downloadable PDF to further engage with this material. Each episode has a corresponding questions for consideration, key concepts to focus on, and space to reflect.