The Man From Galilee

The Man From Galilee

To better know Jesus, we must consider His life, His family, and how He interacted with the world around Him. Join Michael Card as he encourages us to not only know about Jesus and the life he led, but to truly and deeply know Him.

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The Man From Galilee
  • The Man from Galilee Trailer

    To better know Jesus, we must consider His life, His family, and how He interacted with the world around Him. Join Michael Card as encourages us to not only know about Jesus and the life he led, but to truly and deeply know Him.

  • 1 - How Well Do We Truly Know Jesus?

    In order to know someone well, we have to know information about them. Too often, while we say we know Jesus, we find that we don’t know that much about Him. How many siblings did he have? How much of his year did he spend traveling? And what would his life have looked like as a first century Je...

  • 2 - A Fragmented and Dangerous World

    At the time Jesus lived in Israel, the world around Him was a divided and fragmented place–not only geographically, with deserts, cities, and even the Dead Sea, but also socially. Jesus would have grown up alongside political discourse, mass crucifixions, and unjust leadership. This backdrop sets...

  • 3 - Honor Your Mother and Father

    Though it’s easy to overlook Jesus’ earthly family when considering His ministry, the Bible does give us some insight into His home life and human family of origin. How must Mary and Joseph’s parenting have nurtured Jesus as a child? And what was his relationship like with His siblings?

  • 4 - Mary’s Treasure

    Though Luke’s gospel is written from the unique perspective of having no eye-witness experience with Jesus, it seems as though he did the next best thing in speaking to Jesus’ mother, Mary. It is Luke that gives us the only account of Jesus’ childhood: 12-year-old Jesus at the Temple Courts.

  • 5 - In Secret

    What does it mean that Jesus was a Rabbi? Perhaps understanding the difference between the Rabbis of the first century and the Rabbis of today can help us further understand what this role would have meant for Jesus and his disciples.

  • 6 - The Four Messianic Miracles

    In Jesus day, it was widely believed that there were four miracles only the coming Messiah could do: cleanse a leper, cast out a deaf and dumb spirit, raise someone from the dead after 3 days, and heal someone with a birth defect. In His earthly ministry, Jesus would perform all four.

  • 7 - Unmiraculous Miracles

    While Jesus’ miracles were nothing short of remarkable, the way in which he performed them seemed relatively commonplace. To a demon possessed man, he simply said, “Be quiet”, and to a dead girl, “Get up”. What are some conclusions we can draw about Jesus’ ministry based on these seemingly unmira...

  • 8 - Twin Incidents

    Rabbis say that when there is a twin incident in the Hebrew Bible, one will help you to interpret the other. There are many twin incidents in Jesus’ earthly ministry: two storms on the sea of Galilee, two unique healings, two feedings, to name a few. In this last episode, Michael Card considers h...

  • 9 - The Shema

    In our pursuit of learning everything we can about Jesus, Michael Card considers what Jesus’ favorite passage from the Torah would have been. Scripture tells us there is one specific confession Jesus used multiple times in his teaching: The Shema. What can this tell us about Jesus?

  • 10 - Who was Aelius Sejanus?

    One particular pivotal character in the Bible is often overlooked as we consider the life of Jesus. While we are all too familiar with Pontius Pilate, we’re perhaps less familiar with the man who appointed Pilate in the first place, setting into motion the betrayal, trial, and eventual crucifixio...

  • 11 - The End Times

    One of the best examples of listening to structure comes from Matthew 24 when Jesus speaks about the End Times. Jesus frees us with the simplicity of His teaching, when we take the time to understand the structure of what He is saying.