Everything Made Beautiful

Everything Made Beautiful

Life comes in seasons. Seasons of grief, of excitement, of new life and of death—and everything in between. In Ecclesiastes 3, the Lord promises to make all things beautiful in their time. How do we navigate these seasons of life? How do we know God’s sovereignty despite the world around us? And, how do we cultivate what we been entrusted with even amid hardships? Join Shannon Scott as she guides us through life’s seasons, and the universal truths of God no matter which season we are in.

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Everything Made Beautiful
  • 1 - An Introduction

    As the world around us drifts from season to season, so do we. Life, it seems, like the weather, is cyclical. Fall, then winter, then spring, then summer, and fall again. In this series, Shannon Scott will walk us through the four seasons of life, how to cultivate in each one, and what remains tr...

  • 2 - God is Sovereign Over My Season

    It’s easy for us in our humanness to view seasons as simply good or bad. This complicates our view of God, though, as He is sovereign over the good, the bad, and everything in between. God has absolute authority and power through all seasons. It is not up to us to dictate. Does our theology stand...

  • 3 - Through His Hands

    There is no element of our life that is left up to chance. But, there is an enemy, and He will come to steal, burn, and destroy. While this is scary, the enemy is not unleashed. No trick or scheme can ever hijack the Lord’s preordained plans for our lives.

  • 4 - For My Good And His Glory

    We serve a “beauty from ashes” kind of God, and He promises this over our lives, our messes, and over every season. God is infinite in His wisdom, and has the final word over the ashes in our own lives. Though tragedy and darkness come unexpectedly to us, nothing is unexpected to God. And He will...

  • 5 - More Like Jesus

    Each and every one of us has a calling set over our lives. There is good work to be done! To do this work, we need to become more like Jesus. God will use seasons of our lives to ensure that we are becoming more and more like the one who created us. In every season, we face a choice: will we choo...

  • 6 - How To Weather Each Season

    In each season, we can choose to squander it, or savor it. It’s easy to squander a season—to live in fear, or apathy, or in the tension of what’s to come. It’s far harder to savor the moments, especially when the season is hard and heavy. However, we need to humble ourselves and know that God is ...

  • 7 - Spring

    In spring seasons of life, there is newness and a promise of coming out of difficulty. In this season, cultivation is preparing. It looks like clearing out the old, and readying yourself to step into what God has called you to do. There is expectation, but not yet fruit.

  • 8 - Summer

    In the summer, cultivation looks like growth. The garden is here, it is full of life and time to raise it into what it was meant to be. But putting in the discipline and work is not always fun; refining is hard. The good news is, we aren’t made to do it alone! The same spirit that raised Jesus fr...

  • 9 - Autumn

    Autumn seasons are the culmination of things worked for. The garden has matured and it is time for a harvest. In this season, we are to look back at what worked, and what could be better. We are preparing for the winter that is coming, but also, in harvest, seeing who in our lives we might pour i...

  • 10 - Winter

    In the winter, the ground is still and hard. But there is so much happening under the surface as the world prepares itself for springtime to come again, eventually. To cultivate in winter is to break up the unplowed ground and to take care of the things that have long been hidden. It is also a se...