Powerful and Kind: A Study of Genesis 1-3
Join Joel Busby as he dives into the first 3 chapters of Genesis—what the Creation story really means and how it sets up all the rest of Scripture.
1. In the Beginning
Genesis 1 shows a beautiful picture of God’s spirit hovering over the darkness, or chaos, and weaving it into a new creation. This is the work of Jesus, then, and now, to bring life and light and newness to the broken things of this world. As we experience darkness in our own lives, we can rest i...
2. And God Said
While other Creation stories passed down from generation to generation were meant to instill fear of angry and unpleasable, warring gods, Genesis 1 reads like a poem. It’s filled with love and the hope of God Who is well pleased with His Creation. The God of Genesis is all powerful, simply speaki...
3. Let Us Make Man
Human beings are God’s highest creative achievement, but how often do we forget to recognize the inherent dignity and worth of the people around us? Knowing that the Bible invites us to notice and to cherish one another should change the way we interact with not only those closest to us, but also...
4. The Imago Dei
Knowing that people were created in the Image of God should affect how we exist in the world around us in all aspects of our lives. We were created to have a relationship with one another, just as God, a Trinity, is a direct symbol of community. We were created to discern and find meaning, and to...
5. Participants, Partners, Co-Creators
The Lord calls His people to be fruitful and multiply, and while marriage and kids are an integral part of his Kingdom plan, this does not exclude those who have not been called into this path. Living into a calling, welcoming in the outsiders, and participating in God’s world all fall into this ...
6. Dust and Place
Human beings were created with limitations. From dust we came, and to dust we will return. This was by design, so that in our lifetimes, we would grow into a holy dependence on God. So often it is easy to run from weakness and replant when life gets hard. Jesus, however, wouldn’t have traveled fa...
7. Side by Side
After God saw all that He had made and declared it to be good, he saw that Adam was alone. This is the first time that something is ‘Not Good’, and so from Adam’s side, he creates Eve, a partner, a helper, and a co-laborer in the garden. We were not made to fulfill our calling alone. Men and wome...
8. Fall and Promise
The perfect and beautiful garden lifestyle is shattered when Adam and Eve eat from the tree of good and evil. The serpent attacks both God’s word and character, and the sin of what Adam and Eve do leaves them fractured, exposed, and alone. And, banished from the shalom and harmony of the garden. ...