6 - Living Generously
9m 51s
Serving has become something of a duty in the church, and perhaps this is because like prayer, we have lost sight of what makes this discipline so important. We shouldn’t have to serve; rather, we get to. Serving and generosity actually walk hand in hand. Generosity should be a product of communion with God, but this product gets tainted when we serve others for selfish reasons. When we begin to learn the practice of true generosity, a beautiful cycle occurs: We live from our connection with God. Others are blessed. Their hearts and lives are enlightened. And, we experience their receipt of the service and are blessed in return.
Up Next in Reset
7 - Nature
There are things we can learn about God simply through getting outside and appreciating the work of His hands. Romans 1:20 says that the Lord’s invisible attributes are seen most clearly through nature. Staying indoors actually limits our access to yet another side of God’s glory for the beauty o...
8 - Celebration
Christianity and seriousness can sometimes seem to go together. How often have you met a brilliant Christian, only to find them to be curmudgeonly and bland? As followers of Jesus, we are called into excitement and joy—both byproducts of living lives in orbit with our spiritual callings. Celebrat...
9 - Worship
Breaking down the word, “worship,” brings us to Worth - Ship—telling the Lord that he is worthy. When we worship with the hope that God would be lifted up, two things happen: 1) He receives the honor He deserves, and 2) It decentralizes the focus from our lives to His.