The Book of Philippians

The Book of Philippians

Join Pastor Tony Calabrese as he walks through the book of Philippians, and what it means to live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven… while on earth. 

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The Book of Philippians
  • 1 - Citizens of Heaven

    In this cultural moment, it feels like the temperature is spiking. There’s unrest, division, and brokenness wherever you look. In the book of Philippians, Paul drives a single point home: “...Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News...

  • 2 - Citizens of Grace & Peace

    The opening to Paul’s letter to the Philippians is not an accident. Grace and Peace are not just a greeting but a call to action, and they mean more than face value would suggest. Dive into the more profound meaning with Tony in episode 2 of his series. 

  • 3 - Citizens of Prayer

    Paul wrote many of his letters from prison. And yet, Paul was unwavering in his hope and certainty in the Lord he served. Life holds a multitude of uncertainties, but the choice of how we respond is up to us. 

  • 4 - Citizens of Love

    Above all else, Paul prayed for love. In his letter to the Philippians, he stresses the importance of love above all else. But authentic love requires discernment of the real needs of the people around us. What does it look like to truly love as Christ loves?

  • 5 - Citizens of Redemption

    There are three pivotal moments in a person’s life: the moment you’re born, the moment you figure out why you were born, and the moment you allow God to redeem your past. Paul is no stranger to disappointment and pain— ten years in prison! But God used every moment to further the Gospel. 

  • 6 - Citizens of Glory

    In Philippians 2, Paul says this, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition.” Selfish ambition, in the NKJV version, translates to “vain glory”, or “empty glory.” The remedy for “empty glory” is simple: humility. Humility is ‘others’ focused. Humility, in the Kingdom of God, is what attracts Heaven. 

  • 7 - Citizens of Humility

    To answer the question, ‘what would Jesus do?,’ we must first consider what He’s already done. In a world that reveres power, wealth, and talent, Jesus lowered himself. He became a servant. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages his audience to put on a mindset of servanthood. 

  • 8 - Citizens of Ministry

    In Philippians, Paul refers to two men who are incredibly important to him: Timothy and Epaphroditus. They are his examples of people who live as citizens of Heaven. Who are the people in your own life who treat you in a way that opens your eyes to Heaven? Is there anyone who would say the same t...

  • 9 - Citizens of Conversion

    What causes a man to go from being a Pharisee of all Pharisees, chief of sinners, and persecutor of Christians to a disciple of Jesus? In Philippians 3, Paul tells us himself in verse 8, “For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Chris...

  • 10 - Citizens of Pursuit

    You will never grow up in the faith by being safe and comfortable. Oftentimes, following Jesus is difficult and costly. In Philippians, Paul refers to a life with Christ as a race. We don’t run the race to gain salvation; that was given to us freely. Instead, we run the race because of it. 

  • 11 - Citizens of Peace

    Paul tells the Philippians not to be anxious for anything. He knows that fear is often a side effect of being alive and so much in this life can cause worry. But, he calls the people up from that. “Do not be anxious about anything,” he says in Philippians, “but in every situation, by prayer and p...

  • 12 - Citizens of Contentment

    In the last chapter of Philippians, Paul shares that he has learned the secret to contentment in all situations. Paul is so grounded in Christ’s sufficiency that whether he’s in prison or free, dead or alive, hungry or full, he can live well knowing that he belongs to the Lord. 

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