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5 - Citizens of Redemption

The Book of Philippians • 12m
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Up Next in The Book of Philippians

  • 6 - Citizens of Glory

    In Philippians 2, Paul says this, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition.” Selfish ambition, in the NKJV version, translates to “vain glory”, or “empty glory.” The remedy for “empty glory” is simple: humility. Humility is ‘others’ focused. Humility, in the Kingdom of God, is what attracts Heaven. 

  • 7 - Citizens of Humility

    To answer the question, ‘what would Jesus do?,’ we must first consider what He’s already done. In a world that reveres power, wealth, and talent, Jesus lowered himself. He became a servant. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages his audience to put on a mindset of servanthood. 

  • 8 - Citizens of Ministry

    In Philippians, Paul refers to two men who are incredibly important to him: Timothy and Epaphroditus. They are his examples of people who live as citizens of Heaven. Who are the people in your own life who treat you in a way that opens your eyes to Heaven? Is there anyone who would say the same t...